Functional, Procedural and Object Oriented Programming Pradigm

2 min read Computers can understand only binary 1 and 0 as we already know about it. So we humans created different high level languages to ease and make faster the development.

To make code more readable and manageable there are different paradigms which are used to write code so it can be more manageable.

What are compiled or Interpreted Languages mean?

2 min read In compiled language, the whole source code that we write in some higher level language is first converted to machine code before it can be executed by the machine.

For example, C is a compiled language. So if we write a program in C then there is a C compiler which convert our written code to machine language. And as I said machine codes are specific to particular hardware model or type.

Saving thousands(even millions) of records in a database through django ORM. Is it really a good idea?

2 min read Well, I am writing this note to be reminded later or to remind you who do this stupid mistake like i did. I have a project where i have written a command called init_data to initialize the required data in the system. I needed to create thousands of django user instances, thousands of other model instances.
So i was not concerned of how django orm will handle these instance creation in a loop until i suffered for it.